Publikováno: Úterý, 06.06. 2006 - 20:58:47
Téma: Z činnosti klubu

VW Attack 2006 - 17. mezinárodní setkání vzduchem chlazených VW - program


1.den, 30. 6. 06 
Od 10.00 hod      příjezd a prezentace účastníků presentation
Od 15.00 hod      rožnění selátka broil shoat
19.00hod              oficiální zahájení setkání formal opening
20.00 hod  volná zábava leasure time
2.den, 1. 7. 06
8.00 – 9.30 hod  přihlášky do závodu do vrchu presentation for competition
10.00 – 14.00 hod  závody do vrchu rallye
15.00 – 18.00 hod  zábavné soutěže pro děti i dospělé
15.00 – 16.00 hod  start do orientačního závodu start orientation race
19.00 hod  vyhodnocení závodů a soutěží evaluation
20.00 hod  volná zábava leasure time
3.den, 2. 7. 06
V dopoledních hodinách odjezd účastníků end

fotky z místa konání - images of place

Dear VW friends,
We are honored to invite you to the traditional, 17th meeting of cooled-by-air vehicles VW under the name of VW ATTACK. The event will take place at the Benesov u Semil near Semily from June 30 to July 2. To get to this place you take the Prague - Mladá Boleslav and Turnov highway, next Zelezny Brod, Semily, Benesov u Semil, to your destination you will be led by the directional traffic signs.
On Saturday, the program will consist of a small rallye (morning) and afternoon an orientation race, 50 km long. The itinerary will be ready for you in English and German. Both evenings, the entertainment will be provided by live music, the food will be ensured by a proven catering company.
Near the place you can undertake many interesting trips and see some historical monuments and natural phenomena. The participation fee is 300,- Czech Crowns per person for the whole meeting time, it includes parking, placement of one tent or a camper van right in the area. The race fee for a vehicle is 50,- Czech Crowns. 
On average, every year the VW ATTACK meeting is visited by 300 vehicles, 600 direct participants and your vehicles will be seen by about 2000 visitors.
We ask the replacement parts retailers to refer to the following e-mail address: 
. They will immediately receive the terms of sales and they will also be granted an attractive place in the very centre of the happening site.
Friends of the cooled-by-air make VW from the hosting Volkswagen Brouk Klub Praha are looking forward to seeing you.

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